Hello NewGrounds!, Well basically We are making a game with a newly created game development team, the game is inspired by Alien Hominid, Cuphead, Battletoads In Battlemaniacs. I'm doing the arts for the game, And i wanted to promote the game so that more people know about it and so you can know what it's about before the release of a demo, The game has 2 characters inspired by Sr.Pelo's Skid and Pump (Skelado N' his Pal Boboro) These two kids fight against monsters in a totally macabre world where some entity behind that they trapped them there and plan to do something terrible with both of them, but obviously they end up with all the monsters kicking they ass'es back to their graves!
What are we lookin' for:
- Artists
- Programmers (Godot Engine)
- Composers
- Beta testers
- Voice Actors
- Writters
Extra Stuff to know:
- This game has no Release date to launch (YET!)
- We are a small team so don't expect too much News about it, Game developing takes too much time of our Real Life Stuff.
If you want to help, follow this profile and this other profile https://naraghostin.newgrounds.com/
And join the Community Discord Server to see some progress!: https://discord.gg/Mg5Qpx27r7
what happened to trap island?
It's Delayed.
But the characters in it are still doin' their nonsense Behind the Scenes